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Feedback with a little fun

Over the years I've added a whole range of fun and engaging tools to my kit bag but this little feedback slide still features in a lot of my online and face to face engagements.

We all know it's important to gain feedback from your audience, and we all know that everyone hates a dull data gathering moment. But we can't improve if we don't get feedback, so I like to get people excited about giving their thoughts.

During almost every activity I run I use an online tool (sometimes Ahaslides, sometime WooClap, and a few other great interactive platforms) to get the room engaged and sharing their thoughts.

The end of session feedback is no different, and it can be even more vital at this point to make the questions quirky, fun and provocative. After all, this is the time when the participant is winding down, but you need the data more than ever to improve the content and delivery in the future.

the image includes a rating card for a post event survey. The survey asks "how are you feeling after tonight's event?" The options include: Hair commercial high, you've got that just-washed feel. Bake-off happy, it just what I was looking for, I've enjoyed attending. Yoghurt commercial satisfied - it was ok but nothing amazing about it. Chrissy dissatisfied - did not meet my expectations at all #fakesmile.  Wolverine Angry - this was a monstrous waste of my time and energy.

So here's my opener for feedback with a little fun!

You can see I match an image and statement with each level of satisfaction.

And a little bit of tongue-in-cheek humour to help make every type of mood and response permissible (or perhaps even welcome?!).

There's a bunch more questions built into the quiz to dig deeper into each one of these responses. With each layer of questions helping me to understand more about what could be improved for them as the user of the experience.

But importantly, you can see there's always a sense that each response is valid and valued, and that we can keep it fun while still finding out what we need to improve and grow.

I often place another option that alludes to confusion or lack of connection. This allows users who don't resonate with any of these choices to select one that they can then shape for themselves into a response that suits them.

What do you think? How do you make feedback fun and create space for people who hold less than positive views to share them with you openly?

Want to learn how to do this yourself?

Book a Clarity Call today to talk to us about how.



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